Saturday, January 31, 2009


Do you ever look at the food in your house and think,

'I wonder what will taste the least bad coming back up...'


Huecaa said...

uau.. me encantó esa frase.. la bulimia me duró poco pero recuerdo qué alimentos eran los más asquerosos de vomitar..

Federica said...

why don't you post a pic of you?
i'm quite sure you're as thin as the skinny girls you post.

Anonymous said...

i would love to see a picture of your body as well..

Anonymous said...

Me three.

Anonymous said...

Me four. Also, you have to actually eat to throw something back up. I'm trying to get into the habbit of maintaining 1000 calorie diet right now. Its ok though, because I'm working out every day! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey look! I found some Asian thinspo for you.Hope you like:

Anonymous said...

you should look at the tips and tricks index on and go to the mia area and find foods that come up easy

Marilissa said...

i take the same pills as you. i usually take them with FF yogurt and coffee for've gotta eat something with those things or they will come up. ugh, the nausea is terrible. btw, i love your site. I'm the same height and weight as you too. TT!

Anonymous said...

Ice cream. Tastes exactly the same coming up as going down, with the added benefits that it doesn't tear up your esophagus and the alkaline pH from the ice cream cools down the acid pH from stomach juices.