Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thinspo quotes

-Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

-Elegance is refusal. -Coco Chanel

-Don't do anything today that your body will regret tomorrow.

-It doesn't matter how slowly you go, just as long as you don't stop.

-I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.

-Doing crunches on an empty stomach feels amazing.

-Thin is perfect. To be feminine today is to be thin. Small is desirable.

-Thin is magic. At a small size, all your dreams will come true. You will walk into a room & suddenly be admired.

-Until I am thin, he still won't want to touch me.

-Fat people are ridiculed. They are even less likely to be chosen as sexual partners.

-To be thin is to be intelligent, witty, powerful, accomplished, talented, sexually attractive, & of course, healthy.

-The body you have is not good enough & a thin one would be better.

-Our society ignores a woman with a large body.

-Does my body weight allow me to move more easily through life?

-Once you start to diet, you can't stop. The body will anticipate another starvation period & store the food you eat more of as fat.

-Taking care of yourself means knowing when to stop eating ---& knowing when not to start.

-If you're not losing weight, you're not trying.

-Today is the first day of the rest of your life. There's no need to spend it miserable about how you look & how much you weigh. Do something.

-French women are naturally slim, naturally thin. American women are victimized by their own culture. We don't have to live this way.-

-Is it your body that's keeping you from being thin or is it you?

-Underneath each of us, there's a thin beautiful girl starving to get out.

-Dieting is a part of taking care of your appearancec. Of course you do it over & over. It's an element of grooming.

-I have to love myself before he can love me, & I just can't love a fat version of me. (So why should I expect him to?)

-The majority of successful weight losers create their own plans. That's what works.

-You owe it to yourself to do this. After all, isn't the reason you gained weight to begin with that you didn't take care of yourself?

-When I'm lying on my side, I don't want that bulge of fat protruding beyond my beautiful hipbones.

-Developing a lasting relationship with food & your body involves taking control.

-Self control & self respect are synonymous.

-If shame could cure obesity, there wouldn't be a fat person in the world. -Susan Wooley

-Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. -Confucius

-Your setpoint is the weight your body thinks it should weigh. You must lower your setpoint to lose weight long term. The more muscle you have, the more dietary fat you burn.

-You can't always change the shape of your nose, but you can always lose weight.

-If you are going to deal intelligently with your body, you have to take a long look at the life its been leading.

-It's not a change unless you like it.-

-The only way to get rid of cravings is to yield to them. If you crave a thin body, make it so.

-The great thing & the hard thing is to stick to things when you have outlived the first interest, & not yet got the second whcih comes with a sort of mastery. -Janet Erskine Stuart

-Move away from food to something better.

-Fat is unnatural growth, akin to a cancerous tumor.

-Our bodies need only the barest minimum of food.

-Food is an obsession. But so is being thin.

-Undernutrition & the slenderness it brings can be an aphrodisiac.

-Beauty is expressed through pure form.

-A moment comes when reason says to appetite: "Non procedes amplus," go no further.

-Americans eat for the sake of eating ---the French eat for pleasure.

-The overfed body is an empty body ---one plagued by emotioal needs that food can never satisfy.

-A person who craves a rich dessert or calorie-laden meal does not really crave food. They crave emotional warmth & love. Food is used in vain as a subsitute for these longings.

-The better educated a person, the more he or she wants to lose weight. -1951 Gallup poll

-An obese girl's chances for marriage are poorer than her thinner rivals's/

-Youth is not perceived simply as an age, but as a state of being accessible to anyone.

-Very little stands between a woman's naked body & the eyes of the world.

-Twiggy hit the fashion pages in 1967 at 5'7.5" weighing 91 pounds.

-There is no physical need for sugar, only a psychological craving.

-If we feel like having a sugary food, we have an unnatural craving ---even an addiction.

-Food is the one thing we bring from the external world into the internal environment of our bodies.

-Food can be enjoyed ---as long as we are not fat.

-Fiber fills the stomach so we eat less, & also has a shorter transit time through the intenstinal tract, thus lowering the number of calories absorbed.

-Fashion is only as good as you look & feel.


Anna said...

I stumbled on your blog, and I ♥ it!

Anonymous said...

miss u much:(

SASHA said...

This is good. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Some of the quotes were really helpful!

But some were kinda sad.. the ones where a person thinks they won't be loved if they're fat. That's not true! I have a BMI of slightly below 30 (yes I know!) but my boyfriend loves me for who I am. I want to lose weight not for love, but for health reasons.

Never think that you don't deserve to be loved if you're not thin. That's wrong.

Chubby BB said...
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Anonymous said...

Great quotes! Very inspiring. Thanks for posting them!

RockinAlice said...

I love those quotes !

Except the one on French women!
I'm French and i can assure you that things have changed out there and in spite of the cultural differences with the American model, the latter is now prefered by young people...To put it simply, people go to McDonald's and other fast food restaurants.

Quantities have increased, and French traditionnal foods are among the fattest, accordingly people grew fat !

By the way, it's not Mntaigne, but Montaigne ^^

Siddarraaa! said...

Fantastic x :D
Stay Strong Lovelies xxx

Rachel said...

thanks so much for these quotes i put them in my Skinny Bible. I am on the road to thin!