Monday, October 6, 2008

Enough with the models...

How 'bout some real girl?

Love the jeans.

She's just gorgeous.

There's a girl at my gym who looks just like this one:

I feel like such a loser because I wanna snap a quick pic of her on my phone for my thinspo collection. Of course, she'd think I was some sort of perv...

I just want to be able to wear leggings and not feel like a cow.


Skinnylicious said...

Hi :) Where did you find these pictures?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im a size 0 myself...and ive been for a very long time without having to diet and exercise much at all...i know im lucky. and i find thin gals attractive as well...but too much rib or bone looks nasty.
point is to look skinny without looking like u have issues, or an eating disorder

Madame Zeldar said...

Looking at those pictures is almost making me cry. I used to be so thin till i stopped smoking and have never been able to lose the weight, I hate every part of my body so much. I don't know if I'll ever get to my target weight again, thanks, tho, it does help to have some decent thinspo so I can beat myself up about what a fat, lardy cow I am.

Maybe I should send you a picture of my boyfriends ex, she is tall, skinny, blonde and loaded, I really hate her and am sooooo envious, he must compare me to her all the time. I nearly dumped him the other day cause I couldn't stop obsessing about how skinny and perfect she is, oh well.

Anonymous said...

hi , i love to read this blog , i m waiting for new posts

Anonymous said...


Sabrina Marie said...

These pictures really give me the inspiration and the kick that I need. I've been reading your blog for a while now and I just wanted to say that you're doing a great job with it! :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwww way too skinny! what the fuck!

ok thin is hot. like victoria's secret karolina kurkova or gisele but THIS is just nasty.