Thursday, March 19, 2009

The T H I N face

No matter how much weight I lose,
it doesn't change the fact
That I don't have a pretty face.

I always post butt / thighs/ stomach / arms / back / clavicle / legs / thinspo, but never face thinspo...

Something unbelievable admirable about a thin, delicate face...


Natasha said...

I have like 8 chins....I can't wait until I look like the girls in these pics.

leesy69 said...

I feel the same way..
I wish I had cheekbones and big bright eyes.

Anonymous said...

You're right ugly. You're ugly from the inside.

You'll never be beautiful even if you weigh zero cause you're a piece of shit scumbag.

Allie said...

It is a fact, no matter how skinny I get, I will always be ugly. That's why I can´t afford to gain weight, being "thin" is the only thing I have, that makes me attractive (?). Maybe if I were a little bit pretty, I could gain a few pounds and no one would ever notice. I apologize for not writing before, but my computer was broken, I don't know if you remember me, I'm Allie. Well, I hope thing get better for you. You seem like a pretty nice girl.

Ana said...

I feel the same way about my face. My face will never look like hers. My nose will always be fat, my face will always be round. and nothing will compensate for my terrible skin.
I wrote a whole blog about my own ugliness and how it motivates me to want to be thin.

Rachael said...

I love thin faces. This is one place i actually lose weight on so my mum can always tell when i am losing weight. It still doesn't look as nice as the girls in these photos.

Alyssa said...

Just by reading your blog I can tell you're not just innocently trying to lose weight. You have problems and it's pretty obvious you are almost there to having a full blown eating disorder. Hell, judging by everything you wrote on your blog, you probably do have one.