Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice legs...

I was thinking this morning...
Life is too short to live trapped in a body you hate. Is restricting hard? Damn right it is! But feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, when you have the ability to change that, just from sheer will power...I mean,
...why whould you NOT?
Anyway, I need to make a fundamental change in my attitude about this. If I look at it as a negative, I'll keep fighting it, keep slipping up. If I see my restricting as doing something GOOD for myself, then I'm on the right path.


Anonymous said...

Damn right, BB! I feel so much better when restricting. I have more energy, I can think more clearly, my confidence is higher, I even sleep better.

Anonymous said...

nothing tastes as good as feeling skinny....sure, but oh damm what happened to my restricting power....non existing as I would put it...so what do you do after a long office day and frustration....why does f*ing cheese cake make you feel so much better....I need a lot of distaction, it is so annoying...so what do you do in these weak moments which happened to be in my life every day...

Cori said...

Your thoughts are very insightful and inspiring. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...
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