Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nice Ass

A highly under-represented peice of the thinspo anatomy: The Bum.

I hate my butt. Not the size so much, but I've got the tiniest little bit of cellulite that is IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of. I was looking in th e mirror one day, saw it and thought, "where the hell did that come from?"


Cally C. said...

Ditto on the cellulite... And I don't really think there's a way to lose it.

removed said...

Try to massage ur cellulite twice a day with body massager with Clarins product. It really works! It takes time to vanish properly. Mine is started to disappear. What really bothers me is stretch marks! Fuck themmm >.<

Lady S said...

I love image #2. You have the best thinspo on the internet. Keep up the good work

Ana said...

I like the last one, personally. Awesome post :-)

B said...

I've read somewhere that jumping rope can get rid of cellulite. Might want to try that? :3

Anonymous said...

if you do forty minutes on the recumbent bike five days a week after two months all your cellulite issues will be out the window