I stumbled on your blog accidentally when searching for a picture of a particular celebrity via google images.
I was instantly drawn in by a certain kinship I feel with you. I will admit that in the past I have visited pro ana/mia sites looking for motivation and thinspiration. But I am turned off by overly intense ana/mia preachings. Then I found your site.
I am a twenty four year old living close to London, England. I am 5 foot 11 inches and until the last couple of years was a UK size 8, so an american size 4. I am ashamed I have let myself go. In all honesty I was not entirely content before, wishing I was a size 6 (american 2).
We are a similar age and seem to view the quest of weight loss in the same way. I too am in a serious relationship (not quite marriage but we have discussed it), and am amazed that he can find me attractive when I find it impossible. Especially considering the changes I have gone through.
I cannot stand the phrase 'such a pretty face, shame about the weight'.
I am not entirely sure why I am whittering on about my silly feelings, they are most likely utterly inconsequential to you, but perhaps not.
I know you most likely will have far more important things to do, and perhaps have no inclination to, but I was wondering if you would be able to write back to me? I know it is an absurd request, and I would not be offended if you do not.
It is just so comforting at times to find someone who echoes your own thoughts.
This site is not intended as a pro-ana or pro-mia site. It is merely a vehicle for me to get my thoughts out and to inspire myself with images, music, quotes, ideas, whatever needed in my personal pursuit of thin. In other words: If you don't like what you read here, well, go write your own blog.
I'm so happy you posted today!
I really likes thinspiration pics from today
Dear BB,
I stumbled on your blog accidentally when searching for a picture of a particular celebrity via google images.
I was instantly drawn in by a certain kinship I feel with you. I will admit that in the past I have visited pro ana/mia sites looking for motivation and thinspiration. But I am turned off by overly intense ana/mia preachings. Then I found your site.
I am a twenty four year old living close to London, England. I am 5 foot 11 inches and until the last couple of years was a UK size 8, so an american size 4. I am ashamed I have let myself go. In all honesty I was not entirely content before, wishing I was a size 6 (american 2).
We are a similar age and seem to view the quest of weight loss in the same way. I too am in a serious relationship (not quite marriage but we have discussed it), and am amazed that he can find me attractive when I find it impossible. Especially considering the changes I have gone through.
I cannot stand the phrase 'such a pretty face, shame about the weight'.
I am not entirely sure why I am whittering on about my silly feelings, they are most likely utterly inconsequential to you, but perhaps not.
I know you most likely will have far more important things to do, and perhaps have no inclination to, but I was wondering if you would be able to write back to me? I know it is an absurd request, and I would not be offended if you do not.
It is just so comforting at times to find someone who echoes your own thoughts.
Much love,
slippers xx
FANTASTIC site. I'm hooked.
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