Special thanks to Perfect Thinspiration for several of these images. I give you mad props for your unique and regularly updated selections.
Thank you all for you kind words of support over the last few days. I wish I could tell you I'm doing better but in truth I'm doing infinitely worse. Which isn't to say that your comments haven't meant the world to me, because they really have. But it can't fix the problem, y'know? And the problem is me.
Hej Girl, I read your previous post aswell, and if I understood correctly, your husband told you to lose weight in the past?? I once had a boyfriend who said he liked me but would like me even better if I lost some more weight and if my tummy would be flat.. What an ass you'd say, but in reality, I listenend and this was the beginning of my ED, now 3 years ago. Just to let you know how mean those words are. People shouldn't judge and say you should lose some weight. I eventually lost him, I was underweight and superweak and he still didn't think I was perfect: I became to pale (sick-looking-pale) .. And he left. I understand you don't want to let him go, neighter did I, but I'm glad he's gone now. I can start accepting myself now. (or at least i've been trying to..) I don't know you're story but maybe you can't let your ED go, untill he's gone, the person who tells you you're not good enough. Anyway, stay strong. If you want to lose weight, you should, but do it for yourself, not him. Kiss, Katherine (from Belgium,Europe by the way)
Thank you for your nice comment. I love your blog!:) It's always very interesting to read.
Beautyful pictures! ;)
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