Saturday, January 31, 2009


Do you ever look at the food in your house and think,

'I wonder what will taste the least bad coming back up...'

It will be mine...

the perfect, flat stomach.

Speaking of stomachs, mine is killing this morning. I'm not hungry, but still, probably shouldn't have taken the painkillers on an empty stomach. Ugh.


Random real-girl thinspo...

She's just so pretty...

Legs, legs, and more legs...

I'm a little all other the place this morning. Sorry.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Say a prayer.

The spine, the shoulderblades, the hips...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Black / African American Thinspo

Just occurred to me that I haven't really done a post like this, which is bizarre because I have a lot in my files.

Just a little african american thinspo...runway style!

Yeah - and how cute is this outfit!!!


More Black thinspo to come. An Alek Wek post, perhaps???

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thinspo in Red

Red Delicious Thinspo:

I've been looking for a cute red bracelet for awhile now - having a hard time, but I did find this one at Shop Bop:

Thoughts? I like it because it's kinda just small and discreet...
If you see any cute ones out there please send me the links! Stay strong lovelies!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clavicles are LOVE

The best - clavicle thinspo.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's a NEW YEAR...

I woke up to the buzzing of my cell (still on silent from the night before). Got a text from my friend. She's the one who taught me (more or less) the Master Cleanse Fast. Her text read:

Going to buy my lemons to start cleanse tomro- ugh

So I figure - if she can do it - so can I!!! Plus, now is THE BEST time to do it. New Year, been drinking alot, although haven't put any real weight on, need to kick-start the weight loss. The next 10 days will be my sacrifice...

Wish me LUCK!!!